We are looking forward to an external expertise for these..!!

Project 1

Specialist knowledge bearer with modern day equipment - Housekeeping

Scope of the Project

SIH – Srinivas Induction Hardening employs in-house housekeeping team which currently takes care of all the cleanliness and hygiene related activities throughout the plant interiors as well as exteriors. Although all the work is carried out in the best possible manner by this team with well laid down Schedules and Procedures/Work Instructions, certain portions of the plant poses great difficulty in cleanliness maintenance.

Project 2

Employee Health Check-up Campaign - Occupational Safety

Scope of the Project

It has been a customary practice in SIH (Srinivas Induction Hardening) of getting Medical Check-up done of employees once in two years at least but not in a very structured manner. There isn’t any permanent tie-up with any of the Hospital or Medical centre for continued support and association. Hence the SIH management has decided that the time has come to look into this aspect very seriously and move ahead with a structured format and regular (Once in a year) health check-up of employees.

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